Jacksboro, Texas, Gazette-News (2024)

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Jacksboro, Texas, Gazette-News (1) Previous item Next item

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Jacksboro, Texas, Gazette-News
Page 3
Thursday, February 7, 1957
Mrs. E. K. Sampley
George Walter Wells and
family of Atlanta, and Mrs.
Walter Wells of Weatherford
spent Wednesday with Mrs. G.
W. Ware.
David Davis of A&M College
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bow-
den Spearman and Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Davis over the weekend.
Mrs. John Raper is a patient
at the Olney Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pruitt
of Lovington, N. M., and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Gilmore of Hobos,
N. M. brought their parents
home and attended the funeral
of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Reece
Pruitt in Jacksboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barnes of
Mineral Wells, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Barnes of Hobbs, N. M.
from visiting in Dallas and Pat
I Ware of Dallas is attending
school in Austin.
I Mrs. C. D. Thornton of Dallas
visited in Jermyn Monday.
Mrs. Arch Craig of Jermyn
and Mrs. Alf Sewell visited the
Alf Sewell Jr. family Monday.
Mrs. Bessie Ross spent Mon-
day in Loving and Glenn Wayne
Burleson returned hofaie with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Padgett
of Breckenridge were Jermyn j
visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Calloway and|
son of Wichita Falls visited)
Wayhe Calloway.
Visitors in the Fred Warren'
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. |
Harding Warren and son of I
Graham, Mrs. C. M. Thompson
and son Carl, also of Graham, |
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren and
Mary Ed of Fort Worth, Mrs.
U. S. Good
Loin or Round
T-Bone Steak
U. S. Good
Your Choice
________________ Biscuits
visited Mrs. John Doughty and Warren Pruitt and her sister, I Fresh Dressed
Hormel Midwest
Fresh Ground
Mrs. Don McCarty Sunday.
Miss Patsy Dunlap has re-
turned home from the Jacksboro of Jermyn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Neeves
have returned from a visit in
-«v David Dameron and Jimmy
r3lfe of A&M are home be-
Iveen semesters.

Mrs. J. D. Thompson
Rev. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilson
,—. -----of Fort Worth were guests of
Mrs. G. M. Kinnard of Fort Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thompson
Worth visited her daughter Mrs
Stuart Dameron recently.
Mrs. Lee Conley of Jermyn,
Mrs. Mary Rowley of Loving
visited their sister, Mrs. Dennis
Blair, Oklahoma who was criti-
cally ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaemper,
Mrs. Eastin and children of
Collinsville, Oklahoma, Mr. and
Mrs. George Bloodgood of
Wichita Falls and Don Blood-
good of Amarillo visited the
Tom Summys over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Sarn Asberry
and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cullers
lonored Mrs. Tom Summy, Dub
lawkins and son Leon with a
drthday dinner Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Don King were
Dallas visitors Monday night.
Sherry returned home with them
after visiting friends in Dallas.
Miss Margie Nell Wilton re-
turned to Mid-Western Univer-
sity in Wichita Falls Monday.
Mrs. Roy Jackson has gone
to Cotulla for the winter.
The Jermyn HD Club met at
the school building Tuesday
with fifteen members and the
agent Mrs. Ann Sonner present.
One new member, Mrs. Howard
Story was welcomed into the
club. A Valentine party was
planned for February 15 at the
home of Mrs. J. R. Sloan.
• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cox of
Fort Worth spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Cullers.
The Alf Sewell Jr. children
of San Angelo are visiting their
grandmother, Mrs. Arch Craig
while their parents are in the
process of moving to Cisco.
Joe Gillespie of State visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Gillespie between semesters.
». * * *
A Sweetheart banquet was
ield at the Baptist Church Sat-
urday night for the young
.people of this community. Don
.. and children and Mr. ana Mrs:
=& SWMf 3 r?
wayne Pruitt, Response, Cora Plnwmans.
W. H. Sartain
Sue Settle and Linda Branden-
burg, Special Song; and Calvin „
Underwood introduced the had as d*nneiL gue!fs Sunday,
speaker, J. B. Settle; Benedic- Mr. and Mrs. G*"J™_d
tion was given by Kenneth Ep- children of Weatherford, M .
“ur“on 6 and Mrs. Vernon Hamilton and
Donald and Rex Mathis of so” °*
Jacksboro and Joan and Patsy Mr- a"d Mrs- B- J?, ,f*rt
Dunlap attended “Grand Ole wer® in Springtown Friday.
Opery” in Wichita Falls Mon-
day night. s
Casey Jones of Columbus,
Mrs. W. T. Jones this week.
Mr. and Mrs Cecil Wilton of
Aztec, N.M
Wynell Stovall of Weatherford
and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pruitt
of Poolville Sunday.
The Gibtown Baptist Church
will hold services in the West-
brook school house. Services will
be held at lO a.m. for Sunday
School, Morning Worship at 11
a,m„ Sunday Evening Services
at 7 p.m. and Wednesday Prayer
Meeting at 7:30 p.m. The found-
ation of the new church build-
ing will start as soon as the
weather permits.
This community had 1.2
inches of rain last week.
James Gardener of Aspermont
visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Rayford Gardener last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardener and
children visited Mrs. Gardener’s
brother, Bobby Shaffer of Fort
Worth Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Wilson
and Tommie visited his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wilson of
Wichita Falls Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hill had
as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Cox and Shelia and
Arthur Stewart. >
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coble and
son of Peaster and Nellie Coble
of Fort Worth visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Coble this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Priddy of
Fort Worth visited in the J. D.
Thompson home last Sunday.
Mrs. B. D. Sartain
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hardin of
Azle spent Sunday in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Sartain.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Frank-
lin and daughter Susan Kay,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R.
Franklin in Jacksboro Saturday
Mrs. Roxie Johnson visited in
this vicinity Sunday. ,(|
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lyngle
and children and Mr. and Mrs:
M. Plowmans.
Mr. and Mrs.
About People You Know
Barbara McCoy, daughter of
>hio visited his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McCoy has
transferred from T.C.U. in Fort
Worth to Texas Tech at Lub-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack bock.
Katherine Lacewell, daughter
Fry and children and Margie ------ -
Nell Wilton of Wichita Falls of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lacewell
visited relatives in Jermyn over transferred at mid-term from
the weekend. Texas "
Harry Ware has returned i Worth. _
If i t
We will help you se-
lect a memorial that
will prove to be a tri-
bute to the dead and
an inspiration to the
living. See our fine se-
lection of appropriate
and beautiful markers.
* )
Hawkins Monument Co. |
' Jacksboro
227 W. Belknap Phone 4567 \\
Pork Loin
10c Bacon Lb49c Hamburger 4 Lbs 98c
U. S. Good
Ebners All Meat
39f Chuck Roast Lb 35c Weiners Lb 35(
U. S. Good
U. S. Good
45c ClubSteak, 45c Beef Ribs ,J9c
or Pet
Pan .
I Instant Milk
Nabisco Crackers
Imperial Sugar
Canned Milk
Folgers Coffee
Peanut Butter
Concho Corn
Green Beans &
Concho Tomatoes
Hi-C Orangeade
Royal Gelatin
Bran Flakes lot
Post Grape Nuts
Tomato Juice
Stuffed Olives
8 Qts.
Swan .
20 Oz.
... Lb.
18 Oz.
... Jar
# 303
* Cans
/ 303
- Cans
7 303
«■ Cans1
146 Oz.
. Tins.
.... Box
14I/2 Oz.
141/2 Oz.
.... Box
2 21/2
“ Cans
/46 Oz.,
■■ Cans
2/2 Oz.
Ajax Cleanser
& 10c
Miracle Whip
........l0saLcb; 79c
Shortening “
.........3 a 79c
Wapco Pickles sDi°r
, 23c
Coca Cola
12 Bottle Ctn.
. . Plus Deposit 1 • r
Dog Food a.
......... Can O V
Marachino Cherries
White 21/4 Oz. |[](f
Swan . . . Can lv|»
Chopped Beef wis°"
Apple Butter &
........2 c;19f
Seedless Raisins rr
21 sLb 35c
Dried Prunes sview...
12 °z
MacorSpag a
7 Box 1()(
Zee Tissue
4 Roll QQ# |
......... Pack OJ \
Bleach k
1 AlfP nnlY Cinchs White, Choc.
vUlW IMlA or Golden Spice ...
Oranges “•
Apples :=>
I Lb.
10 Lb.
Mexican Dinners
8 Oz.
10 Oz.
Frosty Acre
6 Oz.
0»en 7:30 — Close 7:30
Prices for Friday & Saturday
124 West Archer

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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.

Dennis, James R.Jacksboro Gazette-News (Jacksboro, Tex.), Vol. 77, No. 36, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 7, 1957,newspaper, February 7, 1957; (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth734795/m1/3/:accessed July 30, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Gladys Johnson Ritchie Library.

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Jacksboro, Texas, Gazette-News (2024)


What is the Texas Gazette? ›

The Texas Gazette was a weekly newspaper first appearing in 1829 and running until 1832. It was published in [San Felipe de] Austin, Tex. by Godwin Brown Cotten. The Portal to Texas History currently provides access to 5 issues (14 pages) from 2 years of this newspaper's run.

What news paper is in Round Rock Texas? ›

The Round Rock Leader publishes every Thursday and Saturday. The newspaper covers Round Rock, Brushy Creek and Hutto.

What does the Gazette do? ›

The Gazettes are official journals of record. As a publication, The Gazette consists largely of statutory notices. This means that there is some legal requirement for the notice placer to advertise an event or proposal in The Gazette.

Why are papers called Gazette? ›

Etymology. Gazette is a loanword from the French language, which is, in turn, a 16th-century permutation of the Italian gazzetta, which is the name of a particular Venetian coin. Gazzetta became an epithet for newspaper during the early and middle 16th century, when the first Venetian newspapers cost one gazzetta.

What was the purpose of the National Gazette? ›

During its two year and 208 issue run, the National Gazette strongly influenced future partisan newspapers and exemplified the new American principle of freedom of speech and press. The publication helped to establish the newspaper as the main arena for political debate and party organization in the early republic.

What is the Liberal newspaper in Texas? ›

The Texas Observer (also known as the Observer) is an American magazine with a liberal political outlook. The Observer is published bimonthly by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Texas Democracy Foundation.

What did the Gazette of the United States do? ›

The Gazette of the United States was the leading Federalist newspaper of the late 18th century, a time of intense partisan politics. Adopting the motto, “he that is not for us, is against us,” the newspaper was a staunch defender of the Federalist administration and a ruthless attacker of its critics.

Does Om Roberts agree with the Texas State Gazette? ›

Yes, he did support the gazette because of John Marshall, and as a result, he lost his position as governor.


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.